Obviously, I love reading, in my opinion if someone says that reading is boring or useless or awful it means that he still has not found the kind of books suitable for him. I love reading because even if you are sad, you can read a book that makes you happy and you feel immediately better. When all the world seems to fall on you, reading a book is the best thing that you could do, because in that way your life stops for some hours and you can live another life, in the book.
However, I usually read when I am sad, and I read love books. Sincerely, I do not know why, but I feel better. In fact, I liked two books particularly “Quando ho aperto gli occhi” and “Le parole che non ho detto” both by Nicholas Sparks.
Moreover, I like reading because I love when you do not succeed in stopping reading the book, when you prefer reading despite the fact you are hungry, or you feel sleepy. The book involves you, sometimes it teaches you, often it makes you laugh, other times it makes you cry, but most of the times it helps you growing. Above all, reading makes me feel better.
Francesca Domestici, 4^C Liceo scientifico
Non si può aggiungere molto a quanto già scritto da Francesca! Grazie, perché hai espresso in modo chiaro, proprio l'amore per la lettura che accomuna tutti i lettori!
RispondiEliminaDi più: leggere ti aiuta a sopravvivere ( ma questo spero non dobbiate scoprirlo mai)